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Wednesday 6 December 2017

Minecraft Youtube Video

1. How you did it- What videos did you look at, what technology did you use and how?
I looked at some of the content produced by Minecraft youtubers such as DanTDM, in order to get a feel for how a traditional Minecraft videos are produced, and how they attract their large audiences online. The videos online all showed a few similarities; have a loud, bubbly personality, keep your jokes kid friendly, and scream into the microphone as loud as you can. However, I felt some of these trends weren't necessary to produce a Minecraft video, so I left them out.

Producing the video involved using already exsisting footage from a youtuber online, and overlapping it with a facial recording, which was recorded on an iPad. Filmmaker Pro was then used to combine the footage into the video.

2.How your video might attract the attention of Mojang and/or Microsoft, and how it might influence them.
If my video attracted the attention of the community, the channel would gain a following, and attract Mojang/Microsoft's attention. As a result, I would become a prosumer, and be asked to test and review new and exclusive content for the community, and deem it suitable to play, like many prosumers do in the gaming industry.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The panda costume is hilarious, but it does make you a little hard to understand at times, which is the only thing that let this otherwise great video down. Excellent comments, rationale & use of terminology. Well done!
