Here is my website

Here is my music video

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Continuity task- Our story is about two boys playing football, with one clumsly falling over a bystander at the end. The main plot was simple, and there wasn't much going on, so it wsa easier to create a narrative flow. However, creating a narrative flow was still extremly hard (especially without editing), with the ball having to be thrown and kicked at several different angles and heights to make create continuity between shots.

Several shots were retaken, in an effort to acheive full continuity. However, the transition between shots 2 and 3 was not continuous, as the ball is kicked low off the ground in shot 2, whereas it appears high in the air in shot 3. This transition could be better. For example, the ball could have been kicked higher off the ground in shot 2, which would have improved the narrative flow between shots 2 and 3. Because of this, we did not acheive full continuity.

Improvements could be made to the video to improve the narrative flow, apart from the poor continuity between shots 2 and 3. For example, the shots could be cut quicker, like at the end of shot 2, where the shot could be cut immediatly after the ball was kicked, instead of showing character 2's legs for a few more seconds. Character 3 could also be more involved in the video, as he is randomly introduced, and it is not apparent to the audience what he is doing when character 1 trips over him.

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